Little Stories, With Animals...

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A Battle With Clouds

Several turtles were gathered on a branch that stretched over a lake. The sun was out and a day of sunning themselves is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Sometimes the turtles would talk about this and that, sometimes they would just sit quietly and read a book, sometimes they would discuss stock tips or financial advice and sometimes they would just look around and feel the sun on their shells while wondering what to make for dinner.

The sun was always —

“Hey, what’s the big idea, here!” Yelled one turtle, on the farthest end of the branch, abruptly.

The other turtles looked in the direction of the commotion and immediately saw what was causing that turtle such distress. A shadow had come over him and was moving quickly, it would cover the entire branch in seconds.

“This ain’t what we signed up for! We signed up for sun!” The turtles started rumbling.

One turtle looked up and noticed the reason for the shade was a cloud that had appeared, temporarily covering the sun.

“That cloud is the enemy of all turtles!” A turtle shouted.

As the cloud now covered the entire sun the turtles, unleashed a cacophony of cloud-related jeers to echo the sentiment from the previous turtle.

“Clouds are useless!” Shouted one, as others also joined in.

“Bring back the sun!”

“Move it along cloud! You ain’t welcome here!”

“What’s taking so long?”

“We want the sun!”

“We want the sun!”

“We want the sun!”

“How many clouds does it take to change a lightbulb” Shouted another.

“How many?” The turtles asked.

“Just one if its head is big enough to block the sun!”

This wasn’t a satisfying joke but it fit with the general sentiment the turtles were vibing around so they let it pass without analyzing it too much.

“We gotta do something about these clouds!”

“One day, clouds, your reign of terror will be over!”

Then, the cloud which had caused such distress began to move on with its day. The sun was revealed and once again the turtles were back to enjoying the warmth and glow of a gorgeous spring day. The turtles rejoiced:

“We did it, everyone!”

“We showed them!”

“And don’t come back now, you hear!”

The clouds didn’t dare come back for the rest of the day, the turtles knew they had scared them all off.