Little Stories, With Animals...

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A Cool Tire Swing

Two bunnies had found an old tire in the banks of a creek. It was sad the tire was in the creek but it wasn’t the tire's fault of course. And it certainly wasn’t the bunnies’ fault the tire was in the creek either. It was simply an unfortunate situation. So, in order to make the best out of this unfortunate situation, the two bunnies decided to find a sturdy tree, some strong rope, and make themselves a tire swing.

Rodrick and Romilla got right to work constructing their tire swing. First, they made sure they had enough sturdy rope, they accomplished this by swinging by Lowe's for a quick curbside rope pick up. When the sales associate came out to hand the two their rope he inquired about the project the two were working on. As those sales associates typically do.

“We found a tire this morning!” Rodrick replied from the passenger seat.

“We’re working on a tire swing!” Romilla completed the thought.

The associate looked at the amount of rope he was handing to the two bunnies. He assumed they must have more rope at home or maybe they were planning on hanging the tire from a very small tree. In any case, he wished them luck on their project, thanked them for shopping with Lowe's, and then watched the bunnies drive off.

The bunnies were so excited. They rushed straight to the creek, picked up the tire, and began looking for a tree.

“What kind of tree should we look for?” Rodrick asked Romilla.

“Probably the biggest tree we can find,” Romilla responded.

“Of course, duh! Stupid question.”

So the two set out with their tire and all the rope they bought from Lowe's to hang up a tire swing in the biggest tree they could find. They looked right past all the small and medium trees and kept their sights high up in the air. Looking for the biggest tree they could find.

“Found it!” Rodrick yelled, to Romilla.

“Ooooo this is a big one!” Romilla said, in awe. “Let’s get to work!”

The two began assembling the tire swing. They wrapped the rope around and around the tire and knotted it very tight. So far so good. Now, to string it up on the tree.

The two bunnies managed to drag the tire up to the branch they wanted it to be on. Rodrick tied the rope around the branch. Now for the moment of truth. With the rope secured to both the branch and the tire, the two let the tire fall to the ground. The rope tightened. The tire bucked. The branch held. A tire swing was born.

The bunnies were ecstatic. They rushed back down the tree. Who would get the first swing? Who cares! Neither could stand to wait, oh boy, oh boy, they had a tire swing now!

When the two bunnies reached the bottom, they looked up at the swing, in the biggest tree they could find...

“Seems a little high in the air right?” Rodrick stared, his neck craning back to even see the swing.

“I want to disagree, but that would be lying.” Romilla, said, also straining to see the tire so high up. 

“Now what do we do?” Rodrick sighed.

The two bunnies, dejected, sat beneath their too high in the air tire swing. They continued looking up at the swing, they worked so hard on, that was now useless.

“I’ve got an idea,” Romilla said, softly. “It’s not a fun idea but it’s something.”

“That’s fine,” Rodrick replied. “Something is better than nothing I guess.

Romilla retrieved a pocket knife and begin carving a message into the tree trunk:

A Cool Tire Swing 
Medium: Rubber, Rope, Tree 
Artists: Rodrick and Romilla

Before they knew it a line had formed. The tire-swing-cum-art-installation was a big hit. People wanted selfies. It was an instant Instagram sensation. Tik-Tok challenges flooded social media. The tire swing, while not an actual swing at all was certainly a success.

Rodrick and Romilla took it all in stride. They enjoyed their fame but more importantly, they would remember to measure the rope next time.