Little Stories, With Animals...

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A Walk?

The Rabbit had just left his favorite coffee shop when it occurred to him that maybe he could go for a walk. It was a crisp fall day and he had a fresh coffee in his hand. That was a pretty ideal scenario for going for a walk.

The Rabbit walked right past his car and decided to continue with the spontaneous idea for a walk. What a fun thing it is, being spontaneous, one minute you think you have your whole day planned out, and the next minute you're taking a walk.

Clutching his coffee the Rabbit walked up the street. He passed some houses, a church, a school. Then there was a very long stretch of just empty field. Then there were some more houses. Then a building that had a dilapidated sign which read "Signs Made Here!"

"Must have closed down," the Rabbit thought to himself, "No sign that says that, which is ironic."

The Rabbit sipped his coffee and kept walking. Again he was walking passed a pretty large field and some houses. Nothing really all too interesting, if the Rabbit was being totally honest with himself.

"This walk is kind of turning into a bust," the Rabbit conceded. "Maybe I should have gone in the other direction first."

The Rabbit turned around and passed all the things he had already seen, schools, houses, church, the closed sign shop, and more houses, all until he made it back to his car outside the coffee shop. He wasn't quite ready to call it quits on this walk so he walked passed the coffee shop in the opposite direction he had just come from.

In this direction the Rabbit first passed the coffee shop, then a hair salon, then a church, then some houses, then some more houses, then a field, then some more houses again.

"This walk is kind of not as interesting as I was hoping it would be," the Rabbit conceded, "And I still haven't finished my coffee."

The Rabbit returned to his car and drove home. He may not have had the time he dreamed of, but he was happy that he could still change his plans on a whim. The reminder of freedom made the rest of his day a little better.