Little Stories, With Animals...

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Another Year For The Pile

The Owl council had gathered. The sun was approaching the point in the sky where it was just to the right of the oldest oak tree in the forest and the three-member Owl Council were ready to hear debate about when to declare a New Year.

"Let's just do it today," offered Wallace, the senior owl on the council, "Might as well."

"If it's the same to everyone else, I'd rather do it tomorrow. If we do it today I'll have to cancel my dentist appointment" Said Daphne, the second most recent addition to the council.

It might not seem like it, but the Owl Council took their job very seriously. Though they had no inherent natural authority to declare a New Year, at some point in history all the other animals got together and decided to entrust the Owl Council with this important task.

Wallace and Daphne were prepared to dig into their positions when Morris, the newest member of the Owl Council, chirped up:

"Why do we even need to celebrate a new year? Time is not delineated in any way that warrants a celebration like that. Time is either an infinite plane or, given the seasons, an infinite loop. A year is an artificial invention we made up. When do we stop all this absurdity!"

Young Morris was a renegade with some new fresh ideas. He couldn't wait to shake things up. This was no longer your father's Owl Council.

"I don't see why we continue this charade year after year." Morris continued.

Daphne and Wallace looked at each other knowingly. Some lessons simply had to be learned. Daphne backed off her request to declare the New Year tomorrow.

"Fine, if you want to declare that no New Year will be called from here on out, go ahead right now, everyone is already gathered, make the announcement."

"Do I have your support?" Morris asked.

"Of course not," Wallace answered. "But let's just see what happens when you make your announcement."

Morris was faced with quite the dilemma. Technically, his argument had not been accepted by the Owl Council per se, but he would have the opportunity to make his case to the animals of the forest. As the newest member of the council, Morris couldn't believe how easy this was turning out to be.

Almost, too easy...

"Seriously, I'll go do it." Morris insisted, "Don't test me."

"Yeah, we both agree, you should go do it. You don't have to convince us anymore." Wallace said.

Morris found himself standing at a podium in front of a gathering of animals, all eagerly anticipating when the New Year would be announced. Everyone was dressed up in their finest garb. Hats and boa's and tuxedos and gowns and masks and so much more. Some animals even sported glasses molded in the shape of the New Year.

Morris looked out at the festive crowd. He took a deep breath...

"Ladies and gentleman, it is after much debate and discussion, that I, Morris, a member of the Owl Council must announce..."

The gathered animals began to buzz. They could all feel that the moment was nigh. Morris was about to announce that the New Year had officially begun and that would set off a night of partying and merrymaking. A New Year! How exciting!

"This year we will actually not be..."

But Morris could not get the rest of his thesis out. The animals broke into jubilation.

"Happy New Year!" They all shouted in unison.

The celebration started immediately. Streamers, confetti, silly-string, the works. The animals were rejoicing and hugging and singing the classic Auld Lang Syne.

"But... No... Wait, this isn't..." Morris stammered.

Morris looked around to see if Daphne and Wallace were trying to control the crowd so he could make his big announcement. He scanned the gathering and found his two co-council members pouring some punch and cheers-ing the new year with all the others. Morris left the podium and made his way to his fellow council-members:

"Hey what the hell?" He yelled. "This wasn't supposed to be a New Year this year!"

"Relax man, this council is largely ceremonial. People just think we look like an authority on time. They don't really care when we announce the New Year. They just need to hear about it. Enjoy yourself." Daphne responded.

"But I'm right! This is irrational!" Morris pleaded.

"No one cares," Wallace replied. "We all know time is infinite, its demarcation means nothing. It doesn't matter. Everyone just likes the celebration."

Morris, crestfallen, looked at all the animals having a good time. He felt the thought he put into his 'infinite time' theory slip away from his mind. Before he knew it he was holding a glass of punch and wishing others a Happy New Year as well. Everyone was filled with hope and joy and were happy to celebrate another year being added to their lives.

Who was Morris to argue with that?