Little Stories, With Animals...

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First Mover Disadvantage

Three raccoons were chatting about their favorite games. It was a boring day and they decided some boring conversation might help spark something more interesting to happen. Fight fire with fire, and all that. 

“Okay, I’ll go first. My favorite game is Solitaire.” Offered Derek, the nerd. 

Unfortunately for Derek, this boring answer very quickly yielded something more interesting to talk about -- 

“Oh there he is folks! It's Mr. Boring! Give him the prize!” Said Alex, the second Raccoon

“Solitaire? What a joke! The nerd likes the game where you admit you have no friends,” added Leonard, the third Raccoon

Derek could have kicked himself. Why had he been the first to speak? He knew better than that! This happens every time! Derek had even developed a name for it, 'First-Mover-Disadvantage,' moving first when you’re among friends only leads to grief and brutal roasting. 

“You guys are my friends! We’re hanging out right now! I have friends...” Derek pleaded, trying to defend himself. 

Alex and Leonard weren't having it. They were a team now. The roasting continued:

"What's your favorite sandwich? Just bread?" 

"I bet his favorite soup is ice-water!"

Derek could sense that his friends were starting to gain roast momentum. Each roast and each dig from here on would only become more and more brutal. He knew from experience that it was probably best to try to deflect the attention from his favorite game to anything else he could possibly think of. So, he tried:

“Fine, what's y'alls favorite game then? And don't say something stupid like your favorite game is 'dig-hole' or anything like that." 

The other two raccoons stopped laughing and thought for a moment. They had just participated in the roasting that had taken place and were fearful that saying their favorite game might lead to themselves being in the line of fire. 

An uncomfortable amount of time passed, Alex and Leonard knew it was time to fess up to their favorite games. 

"Want to go first?" Alex asked Leonard. 

"Not really," Leonard replied, sheepish. 

"Ha! Not so bold now are you?" Derek gloated, "Let's go fellas, we need an answer." 

Alex decided that he was ready to divulge his favorite game, but first -- 

"Wait, can I whisper what mine is to you?" Alex asked Leonard. 

Leonard agreed and Alex leaned over and whispered his favorite game into Leonard's ear. 

"Really?" Leonard replied. "That's mine too! Let's say it on the count of three!" 

They counted to three and shouted simultaneously the name of their favorite game: 


Alex and Leonard started laughing and high-fiving, they were overjoyed to continue to be on the same team as each other. 

"Do you want to play a game of dig-hole now?" Alex asked Leonard.

"I'm way ahead of you, deepest hole in ten minutes wins!" Leonard responded. "Ready. Set. Go!" 

Alex and Leonard began quickly digging a hole right where they were. They were digging as fast and as quick as they could. Laughing, giggling, carrying on and enjoying themselves to the fullest. 

Derek was completely floored. He watched as Alex and Leonard kept digging deeper and deeper. Clods of dirt were flying all over the place. Eventually, he couldn't even see the tops of his friends' heads anymore.

"But... Wait... Hold on..." Derek yelled as he dodged bits of flying dirt. "How is dig-hole any better than solitaire? You don't need friends for dig-hole! You still have to do that by yourself!"

Alex and Leonard stopped digging for a moment and looked back up at Derek. Alex decided to answer for the two of them: 

"Because, I don’t need to carry any props for dig-hole,” Alex explained, “You know what I need for dig-hole?" 

Alex holds up his two front paws. Leonard, quickly understanding, raised his as well.

“You’re looking at ‘em, baby!”

Alex and Leonard laughed and returned to digging their holes. Derek shook his head, reached into his backpack, and found the pack of cards he carried with him everywhere. He set up a game of solitaire and began playing. The three friends enjoyed their afternoon together, each doing their favorite activities with the comfort of good friends close by.