Little Stories, With Animals...

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Power Strip Vs. Extension Cord Debate

"Hey Sunny, what do you think is the best invention?" 

This was not what Sunny, a cardiology fellow and a sheep, wanted to hear the first thing in the morning on her first day off in two and a half weeks. Sunny had hoped she could simply get a bowl of cereal and watch cartoons all morning. But her roommate, a data analyst and porcupine named Tilum had something else on his mind. 

"I'm not sure Tilum, what do you think it is?" Sunny said, resigned. Hoping to end the conversation quickly by bypassing the nicety of the question and instead just letting Tilum get straight to the point he wanted to talk about.

"The best inventions are the ones that get electricity to you." Declared Tilum. 

"Sure, electricity is a pretty good invention." Sunny replied, as she poured only cereal into her bowl. There was a real chance that Tilum would go on to discuss in great detail why he thought electricity was the best invention ever and Sunny did not want to run the risk of her cereal getting soggy before she even had a chance to enjoy it.

"No no, not electricity but things to move electricity from one place to another." Tilum clarified. 

Sunny sighed. Good thing she only poured the cereal. This sounds like it's definitely going to get long. 

"Let's say I only have two outlets in one wall. But I need three? What happens then?" 

"You get a power strip, Tilum." 

"Exactly! A power strip is just sitting there like, 'Oh hey buddy, you need another outlet right here? Well BOOM, how about six!" Tilum exclaimed. "Isn't that amazing?" 

"It is," Sunny said. "Good theory!" Hoping this would placate Tilum enough that Sunny could pour the 2% milk she bought the night before after getting off her shift at 2:00 AM, exhausted beyond belief but still reserving enough energy to make sure she had exactly what she wanted to enjoy the next morning. 

"And then, let's say, for example, also, that you're at a place where you have no outlets but you need an outlet at that place. Then what?" 

Sunny sighed. 

"I'd get an extension cord, Tilum" 

"Exactly! An extension cord is just sitting right there like, 'Oh hey buddy, you need an outlet all the way over here, huh? Well BOOM, how about an outlet that is 6 feet long!" Tilum exclaimed some more. "Now you have and outlet wherever you want!" 

It had been such a long 12 days at work for Sunny. On one of her breaks she had found vintage episodes of her favorite childhood cartoons on YouTube and had been looking forward to a cereal and cartoons morning for days. She just had to find a way to get out of this conversation with her roommate. 

"You're right. The only thing that you need is electricity and you can have electricity anywhere." Sunny tried to end the conversation here. 

"Power Strips and Extension Cords do exactly what you imagine the solution to the problem is, how often do you see that? It's as if the solution to the problem is created and invented each time one of these tools is needed." 

That's actually a pretty good point, Sunny thought, a weird point, but still good. Though, she dare not say that out loud, lest Tilum gains any additional momentum to continue these insane theories that are preventing her from sugar and cartoons.

"Now it's time for the real question... What is a better? Sticking an extension cord into a power strip or sticking a power strip into an extension cord? Right? This is some real super inventor shit right now!"

Sunny contemplated putting the cereal back in the box so it wouldn't go stale. 

"Anyway, I'm out of town for the rest of the weekend so enjoy! See ya later Sunny!" 

Tilum picked up his little suitcase that he had apparently hidden by his side the whole time, and left. 

Sunny had a great weekend.