Little Stories, With Animals...

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Two Mountain Goats Have A Great Idea

Two Mountain Goats had come up with a really really Great Idea. They had been talking all morning about the state of the world and all the problems it faced and somehow, miraculously, they had stumbled on a simple solution that could solve every single problem in the universe. The Mountain Goats, needless to say, were excited to go and tell everyone in the valley down below about their Great Idea. 

"You know how people faint every time they hear a great idea?" The First Goat mentioned. "We should take sniffing salts, to revive people." 

"Excellent. Another good idea." Replied the Second Goat. "We're on a roll!"

The problem is when the Mountain Goats descended the mountain and went into town and told everyone about their Great Idea, no one seemed to care for the Mountain Goats idea at all. In fact, the townsfolk didn't even believe the Mountain Goats had come up with a good idea let alone a Great Idea. Everyone in town actually thought that the Mountain Goats’ big idea kind of stank... Big time. 

No one fainted. That's for sure. 

A Sampling Of The Town’s Responses:

“Those goats came from the hills! They don’t know what they’re talking about!” A squirrel said. 

“I’ve dropped better ideas in a porcelain bowl!” Said a vulgar bear.

“They call themselves mountain goats but they live in the hills,” the eagle said, “They’re not mountain goats at all, that’s a lie! They’re hillbilly goats at best!” 

(Though to be fair, the eagle had been saying this for several months and it seemed like he was taking the opportunity to make this point independently of anything the Mountain Goats had to say)

The Mountain Goats returned to their mountain dejected and unsure of what to do next. They didn't know what it would take for the town to accept their Great Idea. 

"Why do you think it is?" The First Goat asked the second goat, "Why doesn’t everyone see what a Great Idea we have?”

"It's really frustrating," the Second Goat admitted. "Maybe we were wrong, maybe when people hear a good idea they don't faint, they just yell at you till you feel bad?" 

"No no, I'm certain that when someone hears a good idea they faint. That much I know is true" The First Goat said. "Here, tell me the idea again, let's see if I faint." 

"I'm not going to try to make you faint!" The second goat said. That's crazy!" 

"Please!" The First goat pleaded. "How else will we know if our idea is Great?" 

The second goat couldn't argue with this so he started explaining the Great Idea to the First Goat. He explained it in painstaking detail. 

The First Goat did not faint. 

"What a bummer..." The First Goat said, "I thought we were really on to something... Maybe our idea isn't Great after all?"

"Our idea isn't great??? Maurice, what are you saying?" The Second Goat was taken aback, "We have to believe! We can't end the day with LESS people believing in our idea than when we started!”

This made sense to the First Goat. If an idea was really Great then more people would believe in the idea at the end of a day, not less. 

"Maybe if we just make some tweaks to the idea, people will be more receptive?" The Second Goat said. 

"Now THAT'S a great idea!" the First goat answered and then promptly fainted.