Little Stories, With Animals...

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Who Asked For An Audience?

A Rabbit was sitting on a particular tree stump in the woods and thinking some thoughts. The Rabbit loved this tree stump because it was raised high off the ground, much higher than most other tree stumps, and the Rabbit firmly believed that the higher off the ground the you were the easier it was to think your thoughts without interruption. There was just something about being up high, away from any distractions that, let's face it, typically occurred lower to the ground, always made the Rabbit feel productive and safe.

After some time had passed, during a break in-between thought-thinking, the Rabbit noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A Mouse had come and sat right at the bottom of the tree trunk and was now looking up at the Rabbit. Why had the Mouse come here? Would it be leaving soon? How annoying, why did the Mouse have to pick this particular stump?

Ugh. This was the exact type of distraction the Rabbit always tried to avoid.

The Rabbit hoped the Mouse would simply get on with it, do what he came to do, and then leave. But, that wasn't the case. The Mouse got comfortable and kept looking up at the Rabbit, staring intently. Almost like the Mouse was waiting for the Rabbit to say something, but the Rabbit wasn't sure what.

"Um, Hello?" The Rabbit said, finally.

The Mouse did not respond. Instead, the Mouse took out his phone and appeared to send a text message. The Mouse put the phone back in his pocket and resumed looking up at the Rabbit.

The Rabbit, confused, decided to just try ignoring the Mouse and maybe he would go away eventually. So the Rabbit turned away and continued thinking his thoughts while the Mouse stayed at the bottom of the stump.

Before the Rabbit could get too deep into his thinking he noticed several more mice approaching the stump. 'Oh no,' he thought to himself, 'maybe this stump was reserved for a party and I didn't know?'

This was starting to feel weird. The Rabbit looked back to the head Mouse for some idea of what was going on --

"I'm sorry, is this stump reserved for a party?" The Rabbit asked the first Mouse, who the Rabbit just assumed, was the leader.

"No, not at all," the head Mouse said finally. "We're your audience."

"Audience? I never asked for an Audience, why are you all my audience?" The Rabbit asked, more confused than ever before.

"It's okay," the Mouse answered, "Just do what you have prepared."

"I have nothing prepared!" The Rabbit responded.

The Mouse burst into laughter. They were all laughing and enjoying themselves, which only made the Rabbit feel more uneasy about what was going on.

"Seriously," The Rabbit continued, "Is this a prank? I have no idea what is going on!"

The audience started laughing harder. Whatever the Rabbit was doing was obviously entertaining them a great deal. Even if the Rabbit himself had no clue what was going on.

"You're doing great!" The head Mouse yelled to the Rabbit.

"I don't even know what I'm doing!" The Rabbit snapped back.

The Audience went silent. The tension in the air was thick. The Rabbit didn't know what to do. He looked to the head Mouse, hoping for some guidance, some direction, some help. The Mouse spoke:

"Nothing to fear, just be yourself… We're all here because we want to see you."