Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Bumps On A Log

Bumps On A Log

A Cat and a Frog were sitting on a log in the forest. They weren’t doing much. Just enjoying each other’s presence as the world made its rounds.

“I guess this makes us a couple of bumps on a log.” The Frog said to the Cat.

The Cat took offense. She never considered herself as anything even close to just another bump on a log. This came out of nowhere. A total and complete gut punch. Another wonderful afternoon ruined by a long-standing colloquialism that folks simply did not take the time to think through.

“How dare you say that to me!” The Cat replied, indignant, “I am not now, nor ever been, simply a bump on a log. I’m a fully capable and aware feline and any space I take up in this world is conscious, deliberate, and full of grace!”

The Frog was taken aback. He didn’t mean any offense at all by what he thought was just an innocent phrase, yet here he was being berated. Why did he have to open his big mouth and make a dumb, silly, innocent quip to ruin the serenity? He could have just been silent.

“Hey, sorry, I didn’t really think about that phrase before I said it,” the Frog replied, “I was really just saying it to say it.”

“Well it felt judgmental like I’m not doing anything but sitting on this log right now,” the Cat added, “But thanks for acknowledging what you said, I’m sorry my response was a little over the top, I blew a gasket.”

“Hey let’s just move past it, you know?” The Frog urged, “Let’s just get back to enjoying the day.”

“Sounds great to me,” the Cat concurred, “It’s my most favorite thing to do.”

“Mine too,” the Frog replied.

“I could pretty much sit on a log enjoying a day going by for hours and hours and hours,” said the Cat.

“That’s…” the Frog started, “That’s all that the phrase… you know what, never mind.”

Holding Hands

Holding Hands

A  Good To Do List

A Good To Do List