Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?



A Moose and a Fox were walking downtown when they came across a vintage clothing store.

“Should we go in?” The Fox asked.

“I don’t know,” the Moose replied, “Are you looking for new clothes?”

“No, I’m not looking for new clothes I’m looking for old clothes,” the Fox clarified.

The Moose was confused:


“What, what?” the Fox was now also confused.

“Who looks for old clothes?” The Moose asked.

“People at a vintage clothing store are looking for old clothes,” the Fox answered, “Duh.”

The Moose was immediately put off from the conversation. Duh? Who says that anymore? It’s a childish thing to say and isn’t even really a word as much as it is just a dismissive sound. Why did the Moose even need to be here? In this conversation? Why was he hanging out with the Fox at all?

“Hey well, I guess that’s it for me…” the Moose started, trying to extract himself from the scene.

“What’s it for you? Why don’t we go check out the new milkshake place on the corner?” The Fox proposed, pivoting completely away from the vintage clothing store, “I could go for a milkshake right now, couldn’t you?”

The Moose had to admit he absolutely could go for a milkshake right now. Though to be fair, it’s never a bad time for a milkshake.

“Okay cool, let’s go get a milkshake!” The Moose replied enthusiastically.

“Yeah, why didn’t we think of this sooner?” The Fox was raring to get a milkshake, “It’s a total no-brainer, duh!”

You’ve got to be kidding me. Again? What has gotten into the Fox today? He never used to do duhs but he’s just done two duhs in the span of like 100 words. This is getting ridiculous!

“Why are you saying that so much today?” The Moose finally confronted the Fox.

“Saying what?” The Fox replied, confused.

“Saying the word, Duh!” The Moose exclaimed

“What?” Now the Fox was confused. “I’m saying ‘the word’ too much?”

“No, duh!” The Moose responded becoming increasingly agitated.

“No duh, what?” The Fox yelled back. “You’re not making any sense!”

“No, duh! Duh!” The Moose tried again.

“Duhhhhh you’re not making any sense dude, let’s just go get some milkshakes.”

The Fox shook his head and started walking towards the milkshake place. The Moose was at a total loss as to what just happened. He decided to go get a milkshake because he wasn’t sure what else to do and he knew that a milkshake makes everything better, duh.

Jazz Trumpet

Jazz Trumpet

Should We Be Doing Something?

Should We Be Doing Something?