Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Enter With An Open Mind

Enter With An Open Mind

Two Elk were on their way to a record store. The store they were going to visit was considered one of the ‘hidden gems’ of the Forrest on a count of it had a very eclectic selection of music and stocked a lot of things you’ve probably never heard of. Over the years the store had developed a little motto for itself ‘Enter with an open mind, and your life will be changed.’

Pretty cool motto for an eclectic record store. That’s just my opinion though. Others might think differently about the motto and that’s okay. We’re allowed to disagree with each other because that’s our rights.

Anyway, the two Elk were up to the challenge of keeping their minds open as they perused through the crates and crates of records at this eclectic store. Records were overflowing from bins and piled high, occupying every square inch of space in the store

Hang on though…

I’m still hung up on this. “Enter with an open mind, and your life will be changed,” motto. That motto is just sound life advice. There isn’t that much to disagree with there. What would you possibly say? ‘One should approach things with a closed mind so their life stays the same?’ Gimmie a breakZ. That hardly seems like a sound idea.

The Elk decided to split up and mosey their way, with their minds open, of course, through the rest of the record store.

The first Elk found and began listening to an obscure Indian Bhangra record he found. Bhangra was a genre the first Elk had never heard of before but appreciated the mix of driving beats and folksy melodies.

The second Elk was consumed by the Sydney Bechet Jazz Quartet. Now this music was kind of familiar to the second Elk because it was often used in movies to symbolize Paris. But she had never heard a whole album before and she was really digging it.

Actually, one more thing: ‘Enter with an open mind, and your life will be changed’ is just good as a general approach to life, ya know? If you stay open, stay light, and stay loose, there is not a moment on Earth that you can’t learn from. That’s basic shit.

Look, I guess it’s everyone’s right to disagree with anything they want to disagree with but they're wrong, and sometimes agreeing to disagree is just wrong. And anyone who disagrees here is wrong.

The Elk reconnected in the store. They told each other about the cool music they listened to and found. Something new that they had never really listened to before. Now their lives have added more experiences to them, more texture, something new that will be a part of their lives forever moving forward. Glad they were open to it. Would have really sucked if they weren’t.

Everyday Spooky

Everyday Spooky

A Walk?

A Walk?