Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Seeing The Raccoon Off To College

Seeing The Raccoon Off To College

A raccoon was getting ready to head off to college this weekend and decided to have one last goodbye party for all of her friends. There would be punch and drinks and food and games all laid out and ready for everyone to enjoy. 


When the raccoon had initially sent out her invitations everyone was very excited about coming to the party and seeing the raccoon off. Perhaps though, no one was more excited for the party than the Squirrel. When her invitation arrived the Squirrel marveled at it for hours. She had never seen a piece of paper like this before. One that contained so much information! All in one place? Amazing! This blew the squirrel's mind. 

The Squirrel could not get over the simplicity and ingenuity of a party invitation. It had all the pertinent details of the party written out for you on one piece of paper. That way, for example, if you forgot when the party was, or where the party was, or what time the party was, or who the party was for, there was a handy piece of paper that you could always reference. The Squirrel marveled some more and took great care to keep the invitation in a safe place where she could always find it.

"That Raccoon is smart," thought the Squirrel, "No wonder she's going to college."

When the day of the party finally arrived the Squirrel held the invitation and double-checked all the information to make sure that today was indeed the right day for the party. When she was sure that today was the right day the Squirrel got dressed up in a nice suit, made a little gift of sweet roasted nuts to give to the Raccoon as a going-away present, and headed out the door. 

The Squirrel arrived on time, at the right place, along with all the other guests. 

The other guests were so surprised to see the squirrel. They couldn't believe she showed up on time at the right place. Folks were always surprised to see the Squirrel because the Squirrel often forgot when or where or what time gatherings would be taking place and accidentally missed so many of them. But, thanks to the invitation and the information it contained she had made it.

The Raccoon was happy to see all her friends together and after some time folks inevitably began chanting "Speech! Speech! Speech," you know, like folks want to do sometimes.

The Raccoon wasn't prepared but delivered a nice speech letting everyone who attended know what they meant to her and what she learned from them.

"From you Bear, I’ve learned to be strong..."

"From you Bird, I’ve learned to be alert..."

"From you Deer, I’ve learned about grace..."

"And from you, Squirrel, I’ve learned the importance of writing things down..."

Everyone chuckled and raised their glasses. 

The Squirrel, however, was taken aback. Slightly confused. She was not much of a writer-downer of things and had in fact never discussed writing with the Raccoon at all. 

"I wonder what she meant by that?" Thought the Squirrel. 

“Here, here!” the bear said aloud, as they toasted their friend, the new college student. 

The Squirrel, however, was still confused. "Why would the Raccoon learn the importance of writing from me?" That seems so silly? In fact, it's kind of a running joke among all the animals that the Squirrel had some of the worst bookkeeping in the entire forest. Oftentimes forgetting key events or dates or times or places or... 

"Oh... Oh, I get it now..." The Squirrel thought to herself. She started to laugh. She quickly found the Raccoon and asked her one question... 

"Did you send invitations for everyone, Marcia?" 

"Nope, just for you Tammy. And I'm so glad you could make it!" The Raccoon gave the Squirrel a big hug. The squirrel gave the raccoon the roasted nuts she had made and the Raccoon loved them. She told the squirrel she would keep them right in her bag and enjoy them as she traveled to college. 

"Don't forget to write down where you put them," The Squirrel added, "That can apparently be quite helpful." 

The squirrel drank some punch and danced and sang with the rest of her friends until it was time to see the Raccoon off. As the friends watched the raccoon walk away, unsure when they would see her again, they all took comfort knowing that they had helped in any small way they could, to send the Raccoon off on her journey.

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