Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Snacks Duty

Snacks Duty

Romy, a raccoon, had been placed in charge of procuring snacks for the kickball team she played on. This was fine by Romy as she had always had an affinity for snacks and was typically on the cutting edge of snacks culture.

“Hmmm, I think I’ll go with the Wasabi Takis and Flamin Hot Mountain Dew.” Romy thought to herself while standing in the chips aisle of the grocery store. “It’s cutting edge, snack-wise, and still pretty accessible for the average snack consumer.”

Turns out Romy was wrong.

When she arrived at the kickball game she hid the snacks so that they would be a surprise. This got the whole team really excited. As I mentioned Romy was typically on the cutting edge of snacks culture and everyone knew that. They couldn’t wait for the snacks. Several teammates even admitted to skipping dinner so they could have more room for Romy’s snacks.

When Romy unveiled the snacks she did so with a great gusto, a flourish, if you will. Romy first made everyone do a drumroll sound in the dugout by slapping on their knees. Then she said,

“Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages…”

The team was getting so amped up. They had just lost their kickball game 14-1. It was really bad. The worst game they had ever played. The whole team walked off the field in very low spirits.

But, as soon as each individual hit the dugout their mood instantly lifted, Romy had brought the snack for today. No matter how bad the team felt about losing so badly to, historically, the worst kickball team in the league, nothing could dampen their moods for too long.

With a theatrical flourish, Romy ripped off the blanket she was using to cover the snacks. When the blanket revealed her surprise a big smile spread across her face. She couldn’t wait to share her new favorite snacks with her team.

“Um…” said one Squirrel.

“Pretty good prank, but where’s the real snacks?” added the Owl.

“Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew?” Wondered the Goat, skeptically, “Is that Mountain Dew supposed to be… spicy?”

Romy immediately felt herself get flush, the heat of embarrassment was rising through her limbs and into her whole body. She really thought she had nailed the snack selection. Something new, something cutting edge, something none of these folks had ever tried before.

“Couldn’t you have just got one of those small chips sampler packs? That’s something familiar at least.”

“Wasabi Takis? So, are the Takis like, green? I’m not used to something so modern, so cutting edge when it comes to snacks.”

“And I’m just here to tell you that when you’re providing snacks to a group of people always stay in the middle of taste for the region. You can never go wrong with something right down the pike.”

Romy felt like crying. No one wanted to even try her snacks.

Everyone packed up and took a trip to Taco Bell while Romy was left behind to pack up her Wasabi Takis and Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew and take them home.

“Hey, now I have all of these snacks to take home…”

“Wait” Romy continued, having an epiphany, “Hey, Now I have all these snacks to take home!”

And what luck, they were all her favorites too…

Ice Cream Party

Ice Cream Party

Holding Hands

Holding Hands