Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Two Mice Learn To Spin

Two Mice Learn To Spin


Two mice decided to spend the day ice-skating on a pond. The mice were competent, basic, ice-skaters - Meaning, they were confident in their ability to lace up their skates and move around on the ice without falling over too much. Outdoor Ice skating is one of the great joys during the winter season and the two were looking forward to a wonderful day. 

This year, the mice decided they each wanted to develop their ice-skating skills a little more. The two mice decided that they were both going to learn how to do spins on the ice. They had watched several YouTube videos to learn the proper technique to do the spins and...

"They're not called spins, they're called pirouettes, you dingus!" The first mouse squeaked. 

Oh, wow, I'm terribly sorry #1. My apologies for that oversight... Let's keep going... 

The mice each gathered their skates and headed down to the pond. Luckily for the two of them, there was no one else out on the pond, the ice looked completely untouched. What a wonderful surprise!

The two mice were... Actually, hold on a minute... 

"#1! It's only called a pirouette if it's in ballet! In ice-skating, the spins are actually just called spins! I looked it up!"

Presumably embarrassed that he had called someone out using an incorrect fact, Mouse #1 looked to Mouse #2:

"Can you believe this jamoke? He thinks because he knows how to Google, he knows everything. What a louse!" 

Mouse #2 replied: 

"Oh, just ignore this idiot. He's being a know it all." 

Hmm, well then... 

The two mice went about their day. They thought it would be prudent to practice their spins (ahem, i.e. not pirouettes) on land before they went out onto the ice. This way they would both have a feel for the mechanics before they were out on the ice to really practice. 

"Actually, since we're practicing on land right now, I guess they actually arepirouettes aren't they, Mr. I'm-so-smart?" 

"Ooo, you got him #2. More like Mr. Not-So-Smart-Now, right? Mr. Look-at-meeeee-I-know-how-to-Goooooooooogle!"

"Hey #1, guess who I am: Type-type-type I'm a big doofus! Look at me Type-type-type some more!" 

The mice doubled over with laughter. The laughter seemed unnecessary and over the top considering their jokes were not very funny or creative and likely wouldn't hurt their intended target at all. And quite frankly, in the spirit of honesty, their insults were starting to get a little personal for no reason. 

Once the two mice practiced their activity on dry land, they put on their skates and made their way on to the ice. The two skated around and enjoyed themselves tremendously. It was, as difficult as this is to admit, quite a sight to behold. They looked like they were having so much fun. 

But, niceties aside, the mice weren't really here just for a leisurely skate. They began the task at hand of trying to learn how to spin. They each took turns trying to get their technique down exactly correct. 

#1 spun, but then fell. 

#2 spun, but then fell also. 

#1 tried again, this time it went a little better but still, fell again.

#2 tried again, their attempt also went better, but ultimately still resulted in another fall. 

The mice spun and fell and spun and fell quite a few more times. So many times in fact, that there was ample opportunity for them to be laughed at, similar to the way the mice might have laughed at someone else. But, because everyone observing the mice was actually pretty cool and pretty nice, no one laughed at the mice as they learned to spin. Instead they were... 

"Oh #2 get a load of 'ol college boy trying to take the high road! How's the view from the high road chucklehead?"

"Yeah #1, he's a real 'let bygones be bygones guy', isn't he? Where'd you learn that from? A textbook you nerd?"

"Ha! I bet it was a textbook! What a nerd!"

"He's a nerd and he's a clown! Nerd-Clown!" 



The two mice laughed more at their little jokes. Who knows if they ever even learned how to do a spin or not. Good riddance to them, I say.

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