Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Waiting At The Bus Stop After A Long Week

Waiting At The Bus Stop After A Long Week


A Beaver had just finished a hard day's work. He had been chopping down trees and sturdy-ing a dam for 8 hours a day, 5 days this week, and he was exhausted.

He yawned as he sat at the bus stop. A Rooster, sitting next to him, took offense and spoke up:

“Oh come on man!” The Rooster yelled.

“Excuse me?” The Beaver responded, confused.

“You just freaking yawned, man! That’s not cool! You can’t just yawn without warning people what if I —“

Here the Rooster opened his mouth. The beaver watched and waited. The Rooster kept its mouth open in the shape of a yawn and it stayed open for a long time, waiting for the yawn to emerge at any moment...

“Nope false alarm.” The Rooster said finally as he closed his mouth. “But still, that was a close one, sorry I snapped at you.”

“It’s okay. It’s been a long week for everyone I guess.” The Beaver responded before gathering his thoughts again as he waited for the bus.

“It’s just that, yawning is contagious.” The Rooster clarified.

“I’ve heard that before too.” The Beaver replied.

“I don’t want to catch yawning. I have a very important date later tonight with a hen I’ve been chasing for years. Can't be yawning through a first date. Sets a bad — “

Suddenly, the Rooster opened his mouth and let out a big yawn. In his eyes, you could see the panic start to set in before the yawn was even over. His date tonight was in clear jeopardy:

“Oh no here we go! I’m yawning! And it’s all your fault! What am I supposed to do now?”

The Beaver sighed. He had just had a long week. He wanted to yawn in peace, go home, and watch some reality TV. Instead, he was stuck here waiting for the bus with a Rooster, who was blaming him for a date going poorly that hadn’t even started yet! And furthermore, NONE OF THIS WAS PERTINENT TO THE BEAVER’S LIFE AT ALL!

Some weeks are longer than others, and some weeks never end. The Beaver thought to himself.

“Try holding your breath, that should make the yawning go away.” The Beaver assured the Rooster.

“Really?” The Rooster clucked, relieved. “Wow. Thank you so much, that’s such a relief. I didn’t know that trick.”

“You’re welcome.” The Beaver replied, “Are you ready?”

“Oh right, right, of course.” The Rooster took a deep breath and held it. The air caused his cheeks and chest to puff up. He looked at the Beaver and gave him a thumbs-up, which the Beaver politely returned.

As the Rooster held his breath, the Beaver, finally, after a long week, had a much-needed moment of quiet relaxation as he waited for the bus.

Letter Received, Letter Sent

Letter Received, Letter Sent

Magic Tricks Everywhere

Magic Tricks Everywhere