Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

And Wha'd I Just Say?

And Wha'd I Just Say?

The Cat and the Pigeon were having a conversation. They were sitting around in the forest just killing some time with each other:


“Well, why would you say that?” The Cat asked.

“Why would I say what?” The Pigeon responded, confused.

“What you just said!” The Cat exclaimed.

“And wha’d I just say?”

The Cat hung her head. The conversation with the Pigeon somehow always ended up in a knot. It would be impossible to ever figure out what they were originally talking about. The Cat knew it was usually best to just change the subject altogether.

“So what kind of cracker do you think is best?” The Cat plowed ahead.

“That’s a great question, wow, a tough one.” The Pigeon started.

“You said a tough one?” The Cat replied.

“What’s a tough one?”

“What you just said!” The Cat exclaimed.

“And wha’d I just say?”

The Cat was having her nerves tested today. Another conversation in a knot, another topic that needed to be moved on from. What did this Pigeon think this Cat was? An infinite well of topics? The Cat had like 2, 3 (at-a-stretch), more topics, after that, finito, kaput. The Cat proceeded to make use of one of her emergency topics:

“So, do you believe the moon landing was fake?” The Cat inquired, inquisitively.

“Yes.” The pigeon replied.

“Yes?” The Cat perked up. This was new. This could be something. Okay, here we go, the Cat continued, “Well that’s interesting, why do you say that?”

“Why do I say what?” The Pigeon responded.

“What you just said!” The Cat exclaimed.

“And wha’d I just say?”

The Cat had had enough for today. She decided she would save her last topic for another day. Not that it would matter, for whenever the next conversation were to take place with the Pigeon it was sure to end up in knots again. The Cat bid the Pigeon adieu and walked away.

The Pigeon never understood this about the Cat. She would always bring up a topic, the Pigeon would venture an answer, then the Cat would interrupt and change the subject. It happened every time. Like clockwork. It was no matter to the Pigeon though. Maybe that’s just how cats are, the Pigeon figured, or at least it was just how this Cat was. The Pigeon couldn’t remember for sure.

How Long Is Afternoon?

How Long Is Afternoon?

The Alligator Finally Understands Pictures

The Alligator Finally Understands Pictures