Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

How Long Is Afternoon?

How Long Is Afternoon?


A Koala had just finished drinking her favorite soda and was wondering what to do next in the day. She hadn’t really planned what was going to happen for the rest of the day at all. Her whole day revolved around drinking her favorite soda sometime in the afternoon and now that that’s over, it was tough to tell what happens next.

The Koala decided to wander about, go downtown, maybe something would spark her curiosity, maybe she would run into a friend, maybe something else, who knows? Theoretically, the possibilities were endless!

When the Koala made it downtown she didn’t see much going on. She wandered around but couldn’t find anything that caught her attention or that engaged her enough to get through the rest of the afternoon. If only she got through the remainder of the afternoon then the rest of the day is a breeze. First, the afternoon ends, then dinner then some TV, then sleep. But getting to the end of the afternoon was becoming increasingly more difficult.

“Maybe,” the Koala thought to herself, “I should have waited to drink my favorite soda until later. That way I wouldn’t have been in this position with so much time to kill and nothing to kill it with.”

Perhaps the Koala was right, if she would have had her favorite soda later in the day then she would have had something more to look forward to in the early afternoon. Then less time to kill in the late afternoon. She could have avoided this whole mess if she would have just done some proper planning.

Well, that seems like the end of that. Plan well and you won’t be bored. Maybe a few more words could be said about the Koala and her long afternoon but, should they? Perhaps. It really depends on how much longer is the rest of your afternoon.

You Break It, You... Fine.

You Break It, You... Fine.

And Wha'd I Just Say?

And Wha'd I Just Say?