Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Berry B. Wild, Squeeze It

Berry B. Wild, Squeeze It


A Polar Bear and a Whale, two friends from two completely different walks of life, had two things in common -- They both liked learning about how the other lived, and they both liked this one specific flavor (Berry B. Wild) of a largely defunct drink called Squeeze-It that was popular in the early '90s when they were both adolescents.

The two friends had not seen each other for a long time. This wasn't unusual though. While they each enjoyed each other's company, meeting up was difficult since it involved each one journeying to the end of one world and the beginning of another. 

The impetus for meeting was always driven by either the Polar Bear or the Whale coming into a six-pack of Berry B. Wild Squeeze-Its. They were sometimes spotted in convenience stores, random mini-marts, ethnic grocery stores, and other off-the-beaten-path establishments where you could find such things.

If either one found a flavor of Squeeze-It that wasn't Berry B. Wild, they'd buy it and take a picture, and text the other one the good news. But, they both knew Berry B. Wild was the special one. And a special drink called for a special meeting and a special celebration. 

As they continued to meet up over the years, their conversations became more and more familiar. The Polar Bear would tell the Whale about snow, and trees, and daiquiris, while the Whale would tell the Polar Bear about mountains and trenches, light refraction, and lenses. They knew it would take them a million years to fully understand what the other's life was like, yet, with these Berry B. Wild fueled meetings they learn a little more each time. 

Today, it was the Polar Bear who happened upon a pack of Berry B. Wild Squeeze-Its in a gas station just up the coast. When the Whale saw the text from the Polar Bear he couldn't wait to see his old friend. 

The two met up, pierced through the thin plastic encasing the six-pack, grabbed a bottle, twisted the top off, cheers-ed, and got Berry B. Blasted together. 

Something about both the Whale and the Polar Bear being at the edge of their respective places made the conversation between them contemplative, and philosophical. The Bear offered first, 

“I ate a weird bug today," he said, before taking another squeeze straight to his dome, "It wasn't even on purpose. I just yawned and this weird bug decided to feed me." 

“Unexpected bug, yikes,” The Whale replied, “How’s your stomach?”

"Not great, it’s been better, but then again, I’ve never eaten a bug before so maybe this is normal..."

The Whale could understand this feeling. He too had sometimes unintentionally swallowed a critter or a sponge or something he hadn't intended to swallow while out to dinner. It's never the most pleasant feeling and you have to wait a long time before you know you're okay and nothing bad is going to happen. 

"Did you throw up?" The Whale asked as he cracked open his second Squeeze-It. 

"Yes, but only because I wanted to make room for Squeeze-It today." The Polar Bear responded. 

"Well, sure, that doesn't count." The Whale replied, "Your body is a temple. It's smart to prepare your temple to receive Squeeze-It." 

The two cracked open their third Squeeze-It each and looked at the horizon. They finished in silence and watched the sunset. The two friends always finished the last Berry B. Wild in this way. They enjoyed the presence of their friend the most. The Squeeze-Its were always just a pretense for them to spend a little more time together.

A Quick Reunion, Till The Next One

A Quick Reunion, Till The Next One

Snowball Fight By Union Rules

Snowball Fight By Union Rules