Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Cat And Mouse Have A Game

Cat And Mouse Have A Game

A Cat and a Mouse were walking to the corner deli to get some lunch. These two liked to meet up once in a while to see how the other was doing and maintain some cordial contact.

You see this particular Cat and this particular Mouse had a long history together. One that was not exactly always the most friendly or the most cordial. These two were not only just A Cat and A Mouse they were THE Cat and THE Mouse, from the famous phrase, "A Game of Cat and Mouse."

I know, blew my mind too. I had no idea they were a real pair, always thought it was just a general phrase. Who knew?

In any case, these two have been high-profile enemies for most of their lives. They have each been responsible for countless chases, schemes, plots, hijinks, hoodwinks, escapes and near-misses. Their long-running battle never quite coming to an end, the victim always outsmarting the aggressor, and both sides never willing to surrender. A never-ending, constantly shifting contest.

Yet here these two are, on their way to have a cordial lunch at the corner deli. Something the two had never before imagined they would ever do, much less do so regularly.

When the two arrived at the deli they greeted one another and went through their customary and agreed-upon pat downs to ensure neutrality.

"Hey Marvin, good to see you," The Cat said to the Mouse.

"Yeah Calvin, good to see you as well. Have you lost some weight?" Marvin the Mouse replied to Calvin the Cat.

"I have, thanks for noticing!" Calvin answered, enthusiastically.

"Well let's go ahead and turn back some of that progress with a couple of hoagies what do you say?" Marvin mentioned before motioning for both of them to step inside.

This made Calvin nervous. What exactly was Marvin getting at? Was he planning on fattening the cat up? Perhaps for some type of crazy trap?

"What do you mean by that?" Calvin asked. "What's your angle?"

"My angle?" Marvin replied, offended, "I don't have an angle, you look like you lost weight and we usually have hoagies which are pretty heavy. The hell did you think I meant?"

"Well now I'm concerned seems like you might have booby-trapped this place, let's go somewhere else for lunch." Calvin continued.

"Like hell, I'm going to go somewhere else, with you! Please? I'm not a sucker Calvin," Marvin shot back, "It's quite frankly insulting!"

"Insulting! Like you didn't just say I was going to get fat again if I have a hoagie? You just insulted me!" Calvin answered. "We've been at peace for years! If you want to start shit up again let's do it!"

"Sounds like we're doing it then! You're on Calvin! You better sleep with one eye open!" Marvin yelled as he started walking away.

"You better not sleep at all!" Calvin yelled back as he did the same.

"Yeah, that's what I meant!" Marvin clarified.

"Then why didn't you say it, you dope!" Calvin retorted.

"I just got too angry! And I misspoke! Fucking sue me!" Marvin answered.

"Ah that happens to me too," Calvin said, in a less aggressive tone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say you get fat either just... you know you look good figured you weren't eating things like hoagies." Marvin continued.

The two decided to get some lunch to go and maybe try again to have a sit down next month. With tensions inflamed, despite a reasonable resolution the two didn't want to take any chances in re-escalating a decades-old war...

Till they meet again...

Garlic Shortage

Garlic Shortage

There He Is!

There He Is!