Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Enjoying The Rain

Enjoying The Rain


It was a rainy day and the crow wanted to think about some things. Big things and small things were all on the table. It mattered not to the Crow how big or how small the things she was thinking about were, she just wanted a lot of things to think about today.

The Crow wanted things to think about because the rain always put her in a thinking mood. She didn’t know why, maybe it was because of the steady sound, maybe it was because she couldn’t go outside, maybe it was because of both, maybe it was because of neither.

The Crow poured herself a cup of tea and sat in her living room listening to the rain and watching it fall. Then she waited. She waited for the things she was going to think about to occur to her to think about.

She waited.

And waited.

And kept waiting some more.

Nothing was happening. The Crow was growing concerned. How could this be? Nothing to think about on a rainy day? What a waste of the rain.

“My mind is so clear, I can’t think of anything to think about,” she said to herself. “What is going on? This can’t be good”

The Crow ran through all of the issues she thought she had in her life. But, all her errands had been completed, all her work was done, all her appointments had been made, and all of her things were in check.

The Crow started to worry:

“The things I want to think about better get here quick before the rain stops and then I don’t want to think of anything anymore!”

Now the Crow was getting frantic. She looked around her home for something to spark a thought. Nope. Everything was neat and in its place. She scrolled through her phone, surely she would see something that would make her think something. Nope, no luck there either, she wanted something that would make her think, not make her angry.

Meanwhile, without the Crow realizing. The rain started to slow.

“What if I never have anything to think about ever again? Then what will I do?”

The rain which had only just started to slow now all of a sudden came to a complete stop.

But the Crow didn’t notice. She didn’t notice because she knew it was only a matter of time before she could think of something to think about and then she could finally enjoy the rain.

The Rabbit Makes The Rules

The Rabbit Makes The Rules

Having A Catch

Having A Catch