Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

The Rabbit Makes The Rules

The Rabbit Makes The Rules

A Rabbit was out on his usual daily stroll. It was a notable daily stroll because today the rabbit was wearing his favorite strolling shoes. He only wore these particular shoes when he was feeling sublime.

A young deer happened to be walking on the same trail at the same time as the Rabbit. The odds of this happening were low, yet here they were. Occurring. Despite it all.

The young deer was sniffing around and accidentally got into the Rabbit’s path.

“Oh, excuse me,” the Deer said, “I’m new here. I don’t know all the rules yet.”

The Rabbit, having already been feeling sublime felt like it was kismet that the deer and rabbit should meet on this day.

“Well, young deer, do not fret. You have not broken any rules so far.” The Rabbit assured him.

“Thanks,” the Deer said, “Please let me know if I do.”

The Rabbit was concerned about why the young Deer was so preoccupied with rules. When you’re new, you’re supposed to explore. The rules you learn are to help define boundaries when your exploration interferes with others. But until that happens the rules shouldn’t matter.

“May I give you some advice young Deer,” the Rabbit offered.

“Yes, please, I am all ears,” the Deer responded enthusiastically.

“Don’t worry about the rules just yet. Spend your time exploring freely. The rules will come to you eventually. But if you explore enough the rules will be more of a guide than a burden.” The Rabbit offered.

The young Deer listened to this information and nodded. He looked at the ground. A bit unsure what to say next —

“No offense Mr. Rabbit, but I need to know the rules so that I can find a way around them and become successful and rich. Never too early to start climbing that corporate ladder! I heard on a podcast that you have to start early and then never stop. So while I appreciate you taking the time to give me advice, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass.”

The Rabbit wasn’t offended. He chuckled to himself and lamented what the world had come to. As the deer was walking away the Rabbit turned and gave him one last sublime lesson.

“Hey Deer, you’ve broken a rule.” The Rabbit yelled.

“Oh no, I’m terribly embarrassed! What rule did I break?” The Deer asked, curious.

“You didn’t tell me you liked my shoes.” The rabbit replied as he started walking away. “So, good luck becoming the CEO of a company now. Sorry kid, but you asked for it and thems the rules…”

“Oh gosh,” the Deer was embarrassed he did not know this rule, “I’m sorry, your shoes are really—“

“Nope too late. Catch you later!”

And the rabbit continued on his sublime way as the Deer wondered how her life would now unfold.

The Hare and The Tortoise

The Hare and The Tortoise

Enjoying The Rain

Enjoying The Rain