Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Temperature Of The Sun

Temperature Of The Sun

A Frog was sitting out on his patio on a sunny day. His friend, a Blue Jay named Selina, came by to chat.

“It’s a hot one today, isn’t it?” Selina kicked off the conversation.

“It sure is.” The Frog replied.

“Been up to anything interesting lately?” Selina continued.

“Nope, nothing really.” The Frog answered lightly.

The Frog and Selina sat quietly in each other’s company. They looked out over the forest. Selina noticed the sun was now starting to get brighter and rise higher in the sky. It was only going to get hotter as the day went on.

“Sure is getting hot...” Selina said, breaking the silence and seemingly angling at something as of yet unsaid.

“Mmhmm seems like it...” The Frog responded flatly.

“Do you think you could... Turn it down a little bit?” Selina asked, finally.

“You want me to turn down the sun?” The Frog asked, trying to feign surprise. “Just... A little bit?”

The Frog knew this question was coming from the second Selina sat down with him. She always asked him to turn down the sun. He hated that she only used him as a friend when she needed the sun to be turned down but he also couldn’t help but realize that if it weren’t for her asking he would just stay and sweat it out with everyone else.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind. It’s just a little much today” the Blue Jay replied.

Turning down the sun meant the Frog had to go to a specific tree on his property, then climb into that tree’s hollow. That tree hollow served as a portal that would transport The Frog at the speed of light all the way to the Sun’s Visitor Center conveniently located on Mercury (yes it’s very hot there, this time of year).

From there, the Frog would have to show his credentials to be admitted onto a shuttle that would take him to the Sun’s main control center. And finally, there he would have to put in a request with the operator to turn down the sun which would be granted or denied with the result felt on earth approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds later.

It was exhausting.

The Frog was home already. He was comfortable. He was relaxed. He didn’t have anything else to do today but sit and be. That’s an ideal time. Sacred. Rarely, if ever, worth interrupting.

The Frog just didn’t want to make the trip today. He simply did not enjoy traveling the very long but very short journey to get to the sun. It was just an annoying hassle and headache and the Frog preferred to just avoid the whole mess if it was all the same to everyone else.

But, the Frog had to admit, it really was starting to get hot out here today...

Who Asked For An Audience?

Who Asked For An Audience?

Why Not A Grocery Store?

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