Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Why Not A Grocery Store?

Why Not A Grocery Store?


The Opossum and the Cat were getting ready to have a picnic. The two had packed themselves a basket and found a very soft blanket to sit on. The weather was nice and there were just enough clouds in the sky to keep you entertained for hours.

The two friends went to a clearing in the forest and decided to set up camp.

“Do you think there are any ants here, Phil?” Asked the Opossum, named Hanna.

“Probably, do you want to move somewhere else?” Phil, the Cat, replied.

“No here should be fine for now, I guess.” Hanna decided, tepidly.

The two opened their picnic basket and laid out a beautiful spread. Charcuterie, Baguettes, Wine, Cheese, Grapes and Fruits and so much more. A feast for Hanna and Phil and a certain temptation for any ants that may be around.

“I wish ants would have their own grocery stores. They always come and take food from others.” Hanna started, “Seriously. Is it that hard to start a grocery store where you can go and buy food?”

Phil thought about this for a moment. He looked up at the clouds to collect his thoughts. Hanna had come in hot, she was worried about the ants, clearly, and she wasn’t going to let the topic go. But Phil disagreed with what she was saying:

“Well Hanna, I’m sad to say, I have to disagree with you there. I don’t think ants need to build their own grocery stores.”

“Oh, why’s that?”

“Well, typically ants would find their food out in the world. But we take food that is already out in the world and move it inside, to a grocery store, where we pick it up and then take it back outside into the world. Where the ants are free to pick it up again.”

Hanna sat silently as Phil concluded his point:

“So really, we’re just returning the food to its original source. Do you see what I’m saying?”

Hanna couldn’t really see what he was saying because:

“Ok but then why can’t they just go to the grocery store then? Because that seems more convenient for everyone.” Hanna retorted.

Phil once again wasn’t sure how to respond.

The two realized they were not going to come to an agreement over this. Luckily, there were enough clouds out to keep both of them interested in the sky so the two just watched those for a bit, while they tried to think of another topic to talk about.

Temperature Of The Sun

Temperature Of The Sun

Letter Received, Letter Sent

Letter Received, Letter Sent