Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Picture Day

Picture Day

It was picture day in the forest. After a tough year that was hard for everyone, all the animals decided to come together for a big group photograph. On the first warm day of spring, they all put on their best outfits, gathered in a pretty clearing, and awaited further instructions from the Cat.

The Cat was charged with organizing the picture. She was the one who first suggested the idea of a group photo a few weeks back and everyone was pretty immediately on board. But then, in the meeting, when the raccoon said, “Who's going to organize it?” the Racoon quickly raised her paw to her nose and yelled out, “not it!” which of course prompted the other animals to follow suit, leaving the Cat as the last one to put her paw on her nose and therefore she was now the default picture day organizer.

The Cat didn't mind though. She was a good organizer because she knew how to delegate to everyone in order to make the best use of everyone's particular talents and expertise. She enlisted the help of the Squirrel who was known as a good gatherer, the help of the Bear who could get folks attention with his deep and booming voice, the help of the Rabbit who was known for baking up some delicious treats that would keep everyone happy while they were setting up for the photo, and so on.

On the day of the group picture, the Cat placed everyone based on their height and set up her camera for an auto-timer. Everyone was there, the Rabbit, the Opposum, the Bear, the Fox, the Duck, the Raccoon, the Owl, some Crows and so many more.

"Okay, everybody ready?"

A cacophony of sound came back letting her know that everyone was in fact ready.

"Then here we go!"

The cat quickly hit the button on her camera and ran to her seat.

"How long are we supposed to hold this smile..." Came a voice from the risers.

"We have 60 seconds to get situated. I have a timer right here." The Cat said staring straight ahead. "Now, 50 seconds..."

All of a sudden, there came a rumbling from a spot on the ground. Like someone was trying to dig their way out. The rumbling became closer and the spot became wider until the spot started to look like a hole and then a Mole emerged from the emerging hole:

“What's all this you lot are doing here?” The Mole yelled to the group.

The Mole, Bert, was quite an Anglophile and as such had adopted somewhat of a British accent.

“I say there, what’s this lot doing on this spot?”

“We’re taking a picture, Bert.” The Cat responded, "Now in... 40 seconds."

“A photo? You’re taking a photograph and no one invited 'ol Bert?”

The Cat was embarrassed, she can’t believe they had forgotten to tell Bert about picture day. That wasn’t nice at all. The Cat felt so bad and she was just about ready to apologize for the oversight when:

“We did invite you, Bert!” Chimed the Squirrel. “I came to your house I told you there was a group picture on the first warm spring day, and you said...”

The Squirrel stopped herself. She looked nervous.

“Well, what did he say?” Everyone asked.

“Out wiv it, love!” Bert called out.

"Quickly, we're at 30 seconds!" The Cat added.

“He said,” the Squirrel stood up, twisted her face into that of a British chimney sweep, and said, “Thank you for the invite govnuh, but me place is in the ground not above it! I don’t believe I’ll be joining you I won’t I won’t!”

Everyone stared silently at Sherry. It was a very good impression of Bert.

“That does sound like me, I must say” Bert admitted. “I do vaguely recall that conversation. No matter, must have slipped me mind, I'm sure I'm not welcome anymore. Well, as I said, above ground isn’t really for me. So...”

The Mole turned around, ready to leave. The animals looked at the Cat who already knew what she was going to say.

“Bert would you like to...”

“Don’t mind if I do, love! What a sweet lot you all are! Thanks for having me in your picture!”

Bert struck a pose right from his hole.

“This is going to be a nice picture innit? Everyone looks so lovely, how long do we have to sit here holding all our pretty smiles?"

The Cat looked down at her watch just in time for the flash to go off.

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