Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Problem, Conundrum, Chore

Problem, Conundrum, Chore

Sometimes a simple problem can turn into a conundrum, and if you’re not careful with your conundrum the conundrum can quickly turn into a chore. The Owl absolutely detested chores so would try to stamp them out well before any problem turned into a conundrum and certainly before any conundrum turned into a chore.

Today the problem was a piece of artwork that needed to be hung. The Owl enlisted the help of her friend the Possum to hang the artwork and then perhaps have a little indoor picnic to celebrate.

The Possum, named Santina, was always happy to do anything for a picnic.

"So what do you think we'll have for our picnic, Delores?" Santina asked The Owl,

"Well, I have a baguette and some cheese and a bottle of wine ready," Delores promised, "But we must deal with the problem at hand first before it spirals beyond our control."

"Right, right, of course," Santina agreed.

The two began the process of hanging the artwork. Delores looked at the walls of her home and held the artwork up trying to see where it might look best. She placed it on one wall and then another:

"What do you think is best, Santina?" Delores asked as she moved the artwork from wall to wall.

"Hmm..." Santina thought for a moment, "I think if we had a fruit, like some grapes or something that would round out the picnic, don't you?"

"What? No," Delores replied, flustered, "Not about the picnic, about the artwork!"

"Oh, yeah right, of course," Santina clucked, "The artwork, hmm... good question..."

Santina appeared to consider the artwork as Delores stood moving the piece back and forth from different walls. She considered and contemplated, and contemplated and considered and --

"Well?" Delores yelled, "What do you think?"

"How can I tell you what I think when I already told you what I think and you said I'm not supposed to be thinking about that, yet?" Santina replied.

Delores sighed. This was a conundrum. She couldn't hang her artwork till Santina participated and Santina wouldn't participate till she had her picnic. But, Delores knew if she put off hanging her artwork it would become a chore.

And Delores, more than anything else, hated chores. Sorry, if you may already remember this from earlier, but I think it's important to emphasize just how little regard Delores had for doing chores.

"Oh Lord," Delores exclaimed to the sky, "Please Lord give me strength."

"Hey Lord, while you're at it, please give me a picnic with a baguette and cheese," Santina quickly added, "And grapes or some other type of fruit if you can spare it."

Delores put the artwork down and made her way to the kitchen. She motioned for Santina to join her.

"I got grapes," Delores confirmed.

The two sat down inside and had a picnic. The Lord had granted Delores the strength to put off hanging her artwork and granted Santina an indoor picnic with baguettes and cheese and grapes. It was a wonderful picnic. Perhaps one of the top 3 or 4 picnics of Santina's life, who you'll recall would do anything for a picnic so that makes it extra special.

Afterwards, with their bellies full, Santina looked over to the artwork that had been placed on the ground by the wall.

"I think, the wall the artwork is leaning against right now would be best, what do you say Delores?" Santina asked, "Delores..."

Delores was fast asleep, she had eaten too much and was now in what they call a bit of a food slumber. The artwork remained unhung, now a chore for another day.

The Christmas Consultant

The Christmas Consultant

As Big As You Can Get It

As Big As You Can Get It