Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

The Walrus Investigates A Loud Noise

The Walrus Investigates A Loud Noise


A Walrus was sitting in the library when he heard a loud noise coming from somewhere. Typically, loud noises didn't bother the Walrus because he himself was so big it usually took a really really loud noise to even get his attention.

So now you can imagine just how loud the noise was to so startle the Walrus.

The Walrus wasn't sure if he should go investigate the loud noise or if he should sit tight and ignore it. Besides, if the noise was of any concern surely the library staff and security would be investigating on their own.

The Walrus continued reading his book. It had been a long time since he sat down and enjoyed a quiet day of reading in the library. What a shame it was that his quiet day was interrupted by such a loud noise that he couldn't get his mind off of.

You see, the Walrus's first instinct was always to investigate loud noises himself, even when he was in a place where there were other people whose job it was to investigate. The Walrus always liked to know what was going on rather than just sitting on the sidelines.

But today, the Walrus decided he would keep reading his book because it was at a particularly interesting chapter and he couldn't put the book down just for some loud noise that he heard.

Then, the Walrus heard another loud noise. One noise that was loud enough to make the Walrus pay attention was one thing but two loud noises were quite another.

The Walrus got up to see what was going on. As he began walking in the general direction of the loud noises, the Walrus couldn't help but think of scenarios or things that might have caused the loud noise in the first place.

Maybe it was a very loud car.

Maybe it was very loud construction.

Maybe they were doing a demonstration of very loud noises that should not be made in the library, in the library today.

Either way, the walrus was beginning to get pretty scared about what the source of the loud noise was going to be.

Then, he heard the loud noise again. This time it was even louder. Presumably, the Walrus was getting pretty close to the source.

Now the Walrus was starting to get scared. He couldn't even see where the loud noise was coming from or what it was, but he knew he was getting closer.

What if the loud noise turns out to be very dangerous?

The Walrus started to lament his current state. Why was his first instinct to investigate? Why not hide? He had a book, he was reading it quietly, enjoying it, and now all of a sudden he had potentially put himself in danger.

He heard the loud noise again. This time it was very close. It had to be right around the corner from him. This was it. The Walrus had to see what it was. He heard someone talking in quiet, hushed tones. Tones much more befitting the setting of a library:

"That would be another example of a loud sound you don't want to make in the library."

The Walrus rounded the corner and just as he suspected, he saw a librarian and some children. The librarian was quietly explaining to the children why you shouldn't make loud noises in the library and then aggressively demonstrating various types of loud noises for them to really drive home the point.

The librarian caught a glimpse of the Walrus. She looked at the children and whispered again:

"See kids, when we make loud noises in the library it disturbs others and causes them to be distracted from their reading."

The librarian looked at the Walrus, smiled as if to say thank you for helping the demonstration, and added,

"Even a guest as large as our friend Mr. Walrus can be distracted."

The Walrus waved at the kids, relieved to know his hunch was correct. He made his way back to his chair, sat down with his book, and began to read. He did feel a little stung from being called a large friend by the librarian completely unprompted. So in a way, the loud noise turned out to be dangerous after all.

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