Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Do Not Disturb

The Owl was looking forward to an afternoon free of distraction—

“Oh, Gary!” Came a voice.

(Gary was the Owl’s name)

“Who’s there?” Gary called back, “It better be important!”

Gary the Owl waited patiently for a response. He waited. And waited. And daggum it, he waited some more. 

"Must have been nothing," Gary thought to himself, as he returned to the serenity of his afternoon free of distraction —

“I don’t really know what to make of that question?” Came the voice, again. 

"What question?" Gary called down. 

"You asked whether what I had to say was important," the voice replied, "I don't know if it's important in the grand scheme of things but it's important to me right now, which is why I came to ask it."

"So then ask it!" Gary yelled down, annoyed, "The longer we drag this out the longer I will be dealing with a distraction during what was supposed to be my distraction-free day, you nudge!"

Gary wondered if what he had just said was too harsh. After all, he didn't even know who he was talking to, they just kept yelling up at him without identifying themselves. Still, maybe he could have had more patience in his response. 

So Gary waited patiently for the next response. He waited and he waited and he waited...

"Daggum, how long do I have to wait for a response now? This is turning into a real distraction-filled day and I don't like it." Gary thought to himself. 

Still no answer. 

"Hey, are you still down there? Ask your question if you are!" Gary yelled down. 

Again, no answer. Now Gary was starting to get worried. Had whoever was yelling up to him got upset and left? That had not been Gary's intention. He was just looking forward to a distraction-free day and when a distraction came up he didn't handle it so well. But now there was no longer a distraction, but the day just didn't feel as fun anymore, what a bummer. 

"Hey, Gary!" Came the voice once more. 

"Yes! Hello! How can I help you, tell me what you need! Who are you?"

"Me? I'm just passing through and was wondering if I could interest you in switching your internet provider? We have been recently installing fiber optic cable in your neighborhood!" 

Gary learned a lesson that day, even if you're not having a good day try to be nice to others, because when you're mean it's just going to make your day worse. 

But, if you want to have a distraction-free day it's probably best to invest in a sign similar to the kinds used in hotels. You know, like a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. That way if someone does disturb you it would be for only a very very very good reason. 

At least, that's what Gary hoped.

A Chicken's Dance Request

A Chicken's Dance Request

Two Deer Drinking Smoothies On A Date

Two Deer Drinking Smoothies On A Date