Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Two Deer Drinking Smoothies On A Date

Two Deer Drinking Smoothies On A Date


Two Deer were sitting in a smoothie bar, on a date, sipping on their favorite smoothies. This smoothie bar was known for some of its more out-there concoctions, using some of the wildest and most exotic ingredients and flavors you could think of. Seriously, think of the most extreme flavors you could think to be in a smoothie...

Bingo, that's how crazy this place was. You nailed it, exactly right. 

Now just because this smoothie bar used some truly out-there flavors doesn't mean the smoothies weren't good. Quite the opposite in fact, more often than not this smoothie bar nailed the right balance of out-there and familiar ingredients to bring the flavor plane in for a landing. They were kind of known for this skill. They were a big deal, at least to smoothie lovers. 

When the two deer sat down they each asked the other which smoothie they got. First, they accidentally said it simultaneously: 

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "What kind of smoothie did you get?"

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "Oh, haha, jinx!"

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "Ok why don't you go..."

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "Sure I'll go..."

The Deers paused. They each waited for the other to say something. So as not to accidentally talk at the same time again. 

Both continued to pause. Waiting for the other to speak. 

They both took a sip of their smoothies. They were delicious. Each of them wanted to tell the other how delicious their smoothie was but were hesitant, for reasons... well you know. 

Then Deer 1 had an idea. He looked at Deer 2 and brought her smoothie up to her lips. Assuming that the reason Deer 2 and himself kept mirroring each other Deer 2 would obviously follow. Then, when Deer 2 took a sip of her smoothie Deer 1 could start talking and voila, conversation starts flowing. 

Deer 2 watched as Deer 1 brought the smoothie to his lips. Deer 2 realized this was her chance to also break the mirroring. Deer 2 decided that she would pretend to mirror Deer 1 but as soon as Deer 1 put the smoothie to his lips Deer 2 would ask him a question and then presto, conversation starts flowing. 

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "Want to try my smoothie?" 

This was going nowhere. Both Deers had truly just given what was their best shot and breaking this rut they were in and somehow managed to think of the exact same thing. 

The Deers resigned themselves to having a smoothie drinking and face staring date rather than a talking and hanging out and getting to know each other date. Such is the way of the world. The two did however want to try the others smoothie because, again, this smoothie place was truly out-there so why not give a different smoothie a shot?

Deer 2 reached her smoothie out to Deer 1 to offer a taste. Deer 1 reciprocated. They each took a sip of the others smoothie then looked at each other surprised. 

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "Strawberry-Banana-Kiwi Foam-Chocolate-Matcha-Rasberry-Egg White..."

Deer 1: "Almond Milk?" Deer 1 guessed, disgusted.

Deer 2: "Oat Milk?" Deer 2 guessed, also disgusted. 

Deer 1 & Deer 2: "I like mine way better" 

The two exchanged smoothies again. They sipped and sat quietly. Now that each knew the other's preference for an alternative milk beverage didn't mesh. They really didn't have anything else to say to each other.

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