Well lookie what we have here? Hello! How are you? Have you had any water to drink today?

Rotten Day Vs. Bad Day

Rotten Day Vs. Bad Day


The Sloth was having one of the most rotten days of her entire life. It was just as rotten of a day as you can imagine. Rotten from the beginning all the way to the end. 

As the Sloth, named Janice, was thinking about which tree to climb and pass the night of this rotten day in, she saw her old friend Rusty, a Monkey. 

“What’s wrong Janice, are you having a bad day?”

“No, I’m not having a bad day. I’m having a rotten day. This is a severe situation,” Janice responded. 

“Well as long as it’s not a bad day we can handle it. A bad day is about the worst thing you can have. A… what kind of day did you say you were having again?”

“A rotten day…”

“Ah, yes! A rotten day." Rusty continued, "Well a rotten day ain’t as bad a bad day I’ll tell you that.”

“How do you reckon?” Janice responded, confused, “A rotten day sure sounds much worse than a bad day.”

"Well I'll put it to you this way," Rusty started, "A bad day is bad, everyone has had a bad day. They know what a bad day feels like. But a… a... Sorry, what kind of day was it again? I swear I’ll remember this time…"

“A rotten…”

“Right, right," Rusty continued, "A rotten day is just a bad day but with enough leftover creativity to think of a fancy synonym for ‘bad.‘ When you really have a bad day you don’t have time for creativity. That’s how you know you’re having a bad day as opposed to say, a… a...” the Monkey hesitated again...

“A rotten day…” Janice reminded him once again. 

“Exactly..." Rusty resumed, "So when you’re having a bad day if you do nothing else, try to save just enough of a spark to say what kind of bad day it was. And if you can just do that, just find a fancy adjective, you’re already having a better day than you would be if you were having just a regular bad day."

The Sloth thought about this for a moment. It made sense in a twisted way but how could she be sure this was a real idea and not one of the Monkey's wild theories. Rusty was known to have several wild theories and not all of them were sound, but then again, some were. 

"How did you figure this out?" Janice asked Rusty. 

“I was having a bad day and all of sudden said it was a real shuck-spit of a day. That made the day better.” Rusty answered. 

“What does shuck-spit mean?”

“Well, nothing but it sounds bad if you put just enough hot sauce on it when you say it."

Janice had had about enough of Rusty for one rotten day, she said goodbye and made her way up the tree to find a nice branch to sleep in. As she was dosing off she couldn't help but hope that Rusty was right about this theory. Because if he was right, then even the most rotten day of her entire life is still not such a bad day after all.

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